
TS7700 Grating Spectrophotometer
Ts7x series is a grating spectrophotometer that 3nh company has spent 3 yearsto design and is develo...

TS7600 Grating Spectrophotometer
Ts7x series is a grating spectrophotometer that 3nh company has spent 3 yearsto design and is develo...

YS6060 Benchtop Grating Spectrophotometer
YS6060 is a benchtop grating spectrophotometer which is developed by 3nh independentlywith independe...

Benchtop grating spectrophotometer YS6010
YS6010 is a benchtop grating spectrophotometer which is developed by 3nh independentlywith independe...

YS3060 Grating Spectrophotometer with UV SCI/SCE Bluetooth
YS3060 Grating Spectrophotometer with UV SCI/SCE Bluetooth YS30 Series grating spectrophotometer ado...

YS4580 45/0 Spectrophotometer
YS4580 spectrophotometer uses 45/0 (45 degree ring illumination 0 degree reception) geometric optica...

YL4520 Non- contact benchtop spectrophotometer
YL4520spectrophotometer is a color measuring instrument with 45/0 optical geometry(45 ring-shaped il...