
Color Rendition Chart (X-Rite ColorChecker)
The YE0188 was designed with respect of the well- known 'ColorChecker'. Used in photography film and...

Gray Scale Test Chart(11 steps)
The YE0153 is designed for evaluation of the halftone reproduction of electronic cameras. Two 11-gra...

Color Spilled Coins (Dead Leaves) Test Chart
TheColor Spilled Coinschart (a variant of the Dead Leaves chart) for measuring texture sharpness has...

Color Viewer/Transmission light box CC5100/CC3100
3nh Standard color viewer for camera test is to provide special lighting environment with high illum...

LED Transmission Light Box HC5100/HC3100
3nh standard camera color viewer transmission light box is to provide special lighting environment a...

ISO 12233:2014 Edge SFR(eSFR)Test chart
SineImage ISO 12233:2014E-SFRcharts are implementations of theLow Contrast Edge SFR (E-SFR)test char...

White Balacing Test Chart
The test chart consists of a blank film between two glass panes. The test chart is designed for shad...